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  • Following up on my last blog about sweating the small stuff, here are some more pitfalls which, if not avoided, can provoke an encounter with the minions of the law (as opposed to the little yellow ones). Winter in upstate New York brings with it some temptations.  No, I’m not referring to moving south.  I’m talking […]

  • Whoever said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” probably wasn’t referring to motor vehicle search and seizure law.   Because the “small stuff” is just what the minions of the law will use to stop your car. Minor violations are used routinely by police to justify stops. The “pretext stop” is defined the NYS Court of […]

  • There is a constant tension in the balance between maintaining safety and living in a free society where constitutional rules protect the public from overreaching by the government.  When the government overreaches, it is usually thru the actions of police.   Stopping cars and seizing money, often without any arrest being made or crime being […]

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