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  • When I was a kid, there was a cartoon called “There Oughta be a Law”.  The cartoon took a humorous look at some of the absurdities our species gravitates toward long before the “Darwin Awards” books became popular. The inference was if there were laws against doing silly things, people might not do them.  Having […]

  • All the clients I’ve ever represented for a fake ID ….and their parents…. have been shocked in our first meeting.  It wasn’t the replica Viking broadsword next to my desk, or even my uncanny resemblance to Capt. Jean Luc Picard (just let me have that one).  It happens when they learn the possible present and […]

  • Words have power.  This obvious fact is often forgotten, even by judges and lawyers.  And they should know better.  The use of a single word can set the wrong tone, falsely frame the issue, destroy the presumption of innocence, and absolve the guilty. To demonstrate, here are some words with alternate phrasing: Gulag…….Vocational rehabilitation camp […]

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